Save Your KIDS!

snapshot (2)Prospective mothers and fathers, see your mate through the eyes of your child(ren).
Proactive parents plan ahead for their child(ren).
Your future children deserve the best mother and father.
Does your mate want kids? What type of mother or father will your mate be to your child(ren)?
What type of mother or father do you want for your kids?
Will your mate be a good mother or father to your child(ren)?
See your mate through the eyes of your children. Would they approve?
The person you choose to have children with will affect your child’s life positively or negatively.
If a man is not taking care of his other kids, why would you choose him to be your child’s father?
Think about the future of your children and choose accordingly.
She has a big booty but can she selflessly take care of a child.
All women are not mothers. Some women have other priorities.
Some women don’t want children same goes for men.

Don’t bring a child into this world to suffer.
Your child deserves the best mother and father.
Think about your decisions and evacuate how they will impact your children’s lives.
Save your kid(s) the heart ache and choose wisely.

Your child deserves the BEST!!!

Nigerian Men 101: How to capture a Nigerian Man’s Heart?

Ladies, I have answered a lot of your questions about Nigerian men.
It’s time to hear from the horse’s mouth
Check out this video as these guys answer this question.
I like this group of guys because they are a good representation of the types of Nigerian guys you will meet in the States.
They are smart, funny, educated, witty and very Nigerian.
Each guy brings a different perspective to the discussion which I love.
Check out the video.

Let me know what you think?
Email, comment or facebook me!!

My conversation with a 33 year old Akwa Ibom Millionaire..

Fine 3When I talk to people in Nigeria, they tell me “Your own is good because you are in America.”
Guess what? You can make it in Nigeria.
I spoke to a self-made millionaire yesterday. He is not a politician and he is lives in Akwa Ibom.
When his mates were chasing government jobs, he was working hard to start his business.
He told me yesterday, he now has 80 employees.
This guy wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
His father died in his early thirties. He had no rich uncles to give him money to start his business.
He was passionate about what he does and he worked hard to own his business.

He is nobody’s employee. He is a BOSS!
He said in his early stages of his business, he would pay his own way to speaking events without getting a dime.
There are people who wait for things to happen to them and there are people who make things happen.
Which one are you?
If you are making excuses for your present financial economic state, you are not serious about your future.
Go out there and make things happen for yourself.
If it is legal, go for it.
You are the master of your own destiny.
Anything is possible with God, perseverance, passion, and determination.
You can do it.
No excuses.

Naira SignYou know what troubles this guy now? He has a dilemma of choosing between Dubai and South Africa for his honeymoon.  That’s a good problem to have.

Stop making excuses.

You can SUCCEED in Nigeria!

Share this post with your friends and please Like 9jagirl4real on facebook.

Only for Women with Good black men..

Ladies, when was the last time you appreciated your black man?
In a society where black men are perceived in a negative light, it is your responsibility to appreciate your good black man.
Our good black men need more accolades.
Our men are not all bad.
It is rough for our men out there; they have to deal with all types of prejudices, social injustices, racism and much more..
Honor your good black man!!
You don’t have to wait till his birthday to appreciate him.
Your man has a choice to stop providing for his family, but he wakes up every day to make sure his family is ok.
He needs to be appreciated.
Tell him what his presence means to you and your family.
Have the kids do something special to honor him.

Being a black man in America is not easy.
A black man has to work extra hard in environment that was designed to work against him.
The outside world has wolves ready to tear him down.
You have a good black man who takes care of you, his kids and household?
Please, give him the honor and respect, he deserves.

To good black men out there, who treat their women well, raise their kids and do the right thing: I SALUTE you!!

Appreciate your man

A tribute to Charleston Shooting Victims..

Written by: Justin Anderson

No words can articulate how deeply saddened, outraged, appalled, and disgusted I am with the shooting massacre that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC which is my home state. My prayers, thoughts, and support go out to all the victims and their families and loved ones! You know, being a Black man in this country, I often wonder how much has changed for my people since President Lincoln signed this so called, “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863 that supposedly was the beginning of the liberation of the Black slaves.

When I take a look at what is happening to my fellow African-Americans: We are still being lynched and murder through the means of police brutality and white racist gun owners who often times are found not guilty, that is even if they get charged first. We make up approximately 12 percent of the American population but make up over 50% of the prison population. We are the poorest people financially as a whole in this country owning approximately around 1% percent of the nation’s wealth as a group. Then, we still have to face racial discrimination, prejudice, and profiling in all areas of people activity. Now we are being killed in our own churches by racists? We need to wake up Black community!!! Racism white supremacy has declared war on us, particularly the black man! We are being SLAUGHTERED by the masses now! How many more INNOCENT black lives are we going to lose to racism white supremacy? I am convinced it is safe nowhere in this country for black males now! Police brutality has gotten so bad, as a Black man, I know if I am ever just in the presences of a White police officer, I am in the middle of a life or death situation hands down. The question is what do we do about this genocide towards our community?



It is going to take more than just PRAYER my fellow African-Americans! That is why the Black church has become so ineffective now; too many of us are SO HEAVENLY MINDED that we are NO EARTHLY GOOD! The book of James in the Bible states faith without works is dead! We as black people need to come together spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and most importantly financially and build our own BLACK economy! We need to have our own businesses, organizations, and institutions solely Black owned and operated! But in order to do that we will have to put aside all these petty differences we have with one another and work together as a team and see each other as allies: not enemies!

Then we will have the POWER and INFLUENCE to PUNISH those who even THINK about trying to harm us in any way! We can then ameliorate our lives of our people educationally, health wise, living condition wise, and politically! We need POWER in our community to protect ourselves and MAKE things happen in our favor! ?#?BLACKLIVESMATTER?!!

Graduating from Benedict College Burns…

editgradpic3One of my close friends graduated from Benedict College.
I was insulted by the venue of this graduation.
I don’t know whose idea it was to host a graduation in football field under 90 degree weather.
It was so hot; it felt like we were in an oven.
To make matters worse, the graduates were dressed in black robes sitting under the hot sun for hours.
Seriously, a lot of the guests were so hot that they had to miss watching the graduation.

Students don’t spend four years in college to get burnt on their graduation day.
The exposure to such extreme temperature under black robes is disrespectful to your students and their families.
For your next graduation, please think about the temperature and how it will affect your students on their big day.
Under the hot sun is the worst place to give long speeches and accolades.
Please be considerate of your students, their friends and families.

Congratulations to the class of 2015.

Black Americans through the eyes of a foreigner:

10 Things that make me angry about Black Americans…

1. Black Americans who blame white people for their problem- I can’t stand people who blame others for their problems.  Take responsibility for your life. White people are not responsible for your problems. You are your biggest problem. You will continue to be a victim of slavery if you believe that whites are responsible for your plights.

2. Black Americans who burn stores, businesses in the name of protesting- Using violence to protest violence is a contradiction. Martin Luther King Jr would be disappointed, if he was here. Martin Luther King jr. didn’t use violence to fight for your freedom. Peaceful protest is the way to go.

3. If you are afraid of white people, you need to check yourself: mental slaver y is the worst type of slavery. Whites can’t do anything to you. The best way to win this racism war is to be successful. If success is not your aim your fore-fathers fought for nothing. Fear will subject you to live a mediocre life.

4. Black American men who refuse to take care of their children. The one that hurts the most are the Black American men who know what it feels like to grow up without a father and they choose to put their children through the same. You are a disgrace to the whole black race.

  1. Black American women who have children for irresponsible black men. You clearly know that he is not taking care of his other five children and you are having a child for him. Why? God forgive all you Black American women who don’t care how your choices will affect the future of your children.
  2. 6. Men who choose women over their children. If she doesn’t love your children, she is not worth it. Your children matter.
  3. 7. Black on black crimes: of course, I don’t condone killing people period. You fulfill the wishes of the slave masters by killing each other. Continue kiling each other in the name of mental slavery. Let’s call it what it is.8. Successful black American men and women who are not mentors for other black males and females. We need more black men to mentor young adult men especially those without fathers in their lives.

    9. Successful black men and women who allow their success to enter their heads to the point that they forget their race. You are disgrace to your generation.

10. Black Americans who choose to be Statistic. Raise above the statistics because you must.

I see Greatness in you Black Americans. Do you?

Miss Nigeria USA 2015: Fine Nigerian Ladies..

First of all, we don’t have Miss Calabar and Miss Akwa Ibom..

For Miss Calabar, I recommend Vicky E: Love her.. She is beautiful inside and out.
Miss Calabar

For Miss Akwa Ibom, I recommend Edith M.
Miss Akwa Ibom

We have two more state representatives. We now need sponsors people.

Click here to see all contestants.