Why are Nigerians Everywhere?

The truth is each Nigerian has their own reason why they are where they are.
Here are my top reasons why Nigerians are Everywhere:

1. Nigerians value Education
Did you know the United States doesn’t recognize college degrees from Nigerian schools? I can’t speak for other countries. They are some college degrees that are accepted but it rarely gets accepted. For a Nigerian who wants to further their education in another country; going to school in Nigeria might be a waste of time because that school might not recognize their degree. Most people who school in Nigeria might have to start college all over again to get a degree because their Nigerian degree is not accepted.
-Some Nigerians are in your Country for Education.

2. Government Instability in Nigeria
Our Country is rich in oil and other natural resources, but we have selfish politicians who only think about themselves and their pockets. The money we earn from oil is only distributed among our selfish politicians, who only think about how to exploit their citizens than help them.
-Some Nigerians are in your Country to escape Nigeria’s corrupt politicians.

3. Broken School System in Nigeria
Can you imagine spending 6-7 years in school for a degree that should only take you 5 years? Students in our Country due to strikes might have to stay in school longer. Some strikes can last for months without students knowing when the strike will be over. Most strikes arise for a lot of reasons; it could be due to the fact that our government have not paid teachers in months. Thus, teachers use a strike as a way to demand their salaries paid.
-Some Nigerians are in your Country because your Country has a more stable school System.

NEPA is a company that is responsible for supplying lights (electricity) throughout Nigeria. A lot of Nigerians make fun of this company because they don’t give us any light and we have to pay them every month. NEPA is one of the things I hate most about my country. Most Nigerians use generators as a source of light because we never know when NEPA will give or take the light. Can you imagine going a whole day with no lights? NEPA can take lights for a whole week straight meaning you can stay a whole week straight with no light. It seems like someone in their NEPA station is playing with the light switch. They can give your lights for 1minutes, 2min, or 4min (their choice). To be honest, I lived in Nigeria for 12years and I can’t remember sleeping throughout the night with lights. We have some states like Abuja, Lagos.. etc who enjoy constant light but not in my state Akwa Ibom.
-Some Nigerians are in your Country because you have constant light.

5. Graduates have no jobs..
A lot of college graduates feel they went to school in vain because when they graduate they only add to the pool of unemployed graduates still searching for jobs to no avail. It is not easy going to school for 5years or more and graduating with no job to show for it. A lot frustrated youth take on a life of crime to support themselves or they look for a way to leave the country to a place that offers more opportunities.
-Some Nigerians are in your Country because they couldn’t find work in Nigeria.

6. Nigeria has a long way to go. Some Nigerians don’t see themselves progressing in their own country and that’s why they look for a way to leave.

This is why I get angry at Nigerians who are giving Nigerians a bad name by messing things up for Nigerians who genuinely want to better themselves for the sake of their future and the future of our country.

Know these 2 Facts by Daniel Oyinloye

Note to self:

Know these 2 FACTS and reclaim your existence which in turn gives you confidence to live well.

1. We ALL Where born great | Smart | Talented. No one person should get all the pressure of being different. Choose to live (by that i really mean get out of yourself and stop trying to hold on to who you are. YOU JUST ARE.

2. We ALL were born with a strong longing, a fascinating desire. Know this vacuum (so It Seems) WILL NOT be filled with drugs, sex, and alcohol. It could only be filled entirely with a piece of your creator.

And Daniel remember that science is really just a story. They said the world was flat for the longest time and then it became round. Yes, it’s the best story we have appropriated but not the best story we’ve got! SCIENCE MEANS STUDY OF. In this case the artist and scientist are all scientists and all we have been doing is the STUDY OF GOD to grasp a better understanding of our self, and our environment. Why not just pick up the bible while you are at it. It’s a humble gift to you.

– Rekindled by a conversation with a good friend Charlie Noble, Inspired by everyone and everything God had put in place to remind me of Existence. ( Rafael Arevalo ). I live another day, not by my power, but by the creators will. #NothingForGranted

Please, check out his music below..

Killing Lust Series: Music

As a Nigerian, I am very proud of my Nigerian artists and their creative music, but I have to be careful to what I listen to. There are spirits connected to music, if you believe it or not. We open ourselves up to all kinds of spirits by what we listen to. Our music industry is polluted with the spirit of lust, the spirit of greed and the spirit of self-love. If you listen to songs all day about grinding, sex and all sorts of promiscuity, don’t be surprised if that’s all you think about.

Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart with all diligence” We have to guard our hearts from anything that doesn’t line with the word of God. If the message in the song contradicts the word of God, it means we shouldn’t be listening or supporting that kind of music. This kind of music will affect our spirit man because we have the holy spirit on the inside of us.

What are you listening to? Does it glorify God?

You are that Girl 2: All of Me by John Legend

Yes, you are that Girl who deserves a guy who writes deep songs to you.
Guys are not emotional at all so, if a guy writes a song this deep to you just know he really loves you.

Society tells us that love is pain.
That is far from the truth.
Love is good, there’s nothing hurtful about love.
Please don’t settle for a guy who hurts you..

John Legend wrote this song to his then fiancee, now wife..

This song “All of Me” is so deep.
Love is such a mystery.
Nobody but God can explain love.

Watch how he sings this song to his fiancee. He steals glances at her as he sings…

Ladies, we deserve the best. Please don’t settle for anyone but your BEST!!
Yes, you are that Girl who deserves a guy who LOVES you this much!

What do you lose when someone curses you out?

Someone once told me “I was about to curse you out.”
Immediately, I thought “so?”
This person made it sound like a threat.
Seriously people, what do you lose when someone curses you out?
Throwing the “f-bomb” or whatever word bomb you choose doesn’t affect me.
No part of my body is affected.
I don’t need to rush to the hospital because you dropped your “f-bomb” or any other word bomb you choose for me.
I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to lose, if you curse me out.
I am not insulted by your ignorance.
I don’t understand why people make it a big deal when someone curses them out?
You have nothing to lose and they are cursing you out because they are hurt. They try to use their words to hurt you back to appease their pain. 

Agreed, words are powerful but..
No man’s word is more powerful than God’s words over my life because the word of God is quick and powerful and it’s sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrew 4:12).
Plus, you can’t curse whom God has already blessed (Numbers 23:8).
“No weapon formed against me shall prosper. And every tongue that rises up against me in judgment will and shall be condemned.” (Isaiah 54:17).

A Journal to God..

Dear God,

I just got off from work. No, I am not as tired as I thought I would after working two shifts back to back.
You know why I volunteered myself to do overtime.

I thank you for the miracle you are about to give me tomorrow.  I can’t write everything I want to say to you on here because I am posting this one on my blog.
I am getting sleepy now.

No, I wouldn’t sleep yet still done talking to you.
Lord, please help me to love you more than my dreams, goals, visions, etc.
Help me to draw closer to you.
It’s crazy, I used to make more time for you in college with a busier schedule than I do now.
I know my time with you is priceless.

You are the essence of my life.
Let this heart only beat for you, oh God!
I am not done yet, but I am stopping here for the blog.
I got this creative idea from the book I am reading now.
Have you ever thought about starting a journal where you only write to God?
Try it!

Why we Feel Embarrassed?

We feel embarrassed because we are scared of what people think about us.
So you climbed the stairs and fell. What is the big deal if people see you falling?
Yes people will definitely laugh.
Would I laugh?
If you didn’t get hurt, I would laugh too.
Get up, laugh it off and keep on going.
There’s no need to be embarrassed.
You didn’t fall on purpose.

There are some people who try to embarrass themselves on purpose for attention.
It didn’t happen on purpose. Again, laugh it off and keep on going.
The truth is nobody wants to look stupid in front of people.
At some point in your life, you will look stupid.
You might say things the wrong way.
People get embarrassed over a lot of things.
Note: Everybody is prone to mistakes. We are not all perfect.

The bible says “the fear of man is a trap” (Proverbs 29:25).
If people weren’t there to see you falling, you wouldn’t feel embarrassed thus, it shouldn’t matter.
God’s opinion matters because he is God.
Your spouse’s opinion is important.
Your boss opinion is important because she or he pays you.
We can’t please people.
Stop being afraid of people!!

Laugh it off and Move on with your Life!

Why He Married a White Girl by Trip Lee


Whenever I post pictures of my family on social media, the responses are always fun. The most common are, “Your son is so handsome!” or “What a beautiful family!” But one of the other common responses is, “Is your wife white?” People ask me at shows sometimes too. The answer is yes. My wife is a mix of Hungarian, Italian, and Polish—which to most people just means yes, she’s white. This is irrelevant to some, but shocking or even disappointing to others. I don’t think anyone should be shocked or disappointed by interracial marriages, but I still wanted to talk about why I married outside my “race.

The decision to marry someone from a different ethnic background wasn’t a tough one for me. I never sat down and wrote out a pros and cons list. Though if I did, the fact that my wife has never seen an episode of “Martin” would be in the con category. But honestly, I didn’t agonize over it or seek counsel about whether it was OK. I was convinced that she was the woman for me to marry, even though she wasn’t black.

Some would never consider marrying someone who wasn’t the same ethnicity as them, so let me tell you why I did.


To be honest, I always expected to marry a black woman. I found women of all backgrounds beautiful, but black girls were my “preference.” But when I arrived on my college campus in 2006, I wasn’t looking for a wife at all. I just wanted to grow in my faith and get a good education. My first album had just come out, so I had plenty of other things to focus on. But as I met people at the school, a sophomore named Jessica really caught my attention and we became friends.

We ran in the same circles and we ended up joining the same church, so we saw each other a lot. And the more I got to know her, the more I was drawn to her. She really loved Jesus and she had this childlike willingness to do whatever He asked. Her compassion for needy people challenged me and she had a humble heart that responded to the Word. Over that first year, I watched her sacrifice countless hours of her time serving at our church. On top of all of that, I loved being around her. Our conversation, whether serious or silly, always flowed with ease. So I eventually started to ask myself, “Should I marry this girl?”


Jessica didn’t look like I expected my future wife to look, but honestly that didn’t matter to me. Don’t get me wrong, I thought she was beautiful from the first time I met her. And I was never opposed to marrying a white girl. I just didn’t think I would. But as I grew in my faith and my heart changed, my preferences started changing too. My main preference was that my wife be godly, and Jessica was. So I wifed her.

Never for a moment did I feel like I was settling. It feels more like settling to overlook a godly woman merely because of her ethnicity. I never wanted to value my preferences for a wife over what I needed in a wife.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with having preferences, but we have to hold them with an open hand. I know some people who overlook a potential godly spouse because they don’t fit some random preference. Some of our preferences really don’t matter that much. Some of our preferences may even be foolish, so we have to submit all of them to Scripture.

When you and your spouse are in the middle of conflict, skin tone doesn’t matter. Body type and social status seem insignificant. You want them to be godly and humble. And as my wife and I begin to raise our first child, I couldn’t be more grateful for her. She’s an amazing mom and a godly influence on my son—neither of which have anything to do with her ethnic background. It’s OK to want things in a spouse, but we have to submit our desires to what God wants for us in a spouse. What I wanted and needed most was a godly partner, and that’s exactly what God provided.

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