My friendship with Mr. B..

Who is Mr. B? Mr. B is a childhood friend who attended the same after church service I attended when we were younger in Nigeria. He is now grown, smart and very fine in the United Kingdom. He doesn’t remember me from his childhood, so we had to get to know each other all over again.

Mr. B and I talked for a few months until something interesting happened. When Mr. B talked to me, I honestly thought he was talking to me as a friend with no strings attached until Mr. C came into the picture. Mr. C is his friend in the States. Mr. C started throwing games my way and Mr. B became jealous, I could tell. Mr. B didn’t know I was already interested in him, I wish he had said things in time. It was after Mr. C came into the picture was when I knew how Mr. B really felt. At the time I was very angry about the situation because I was put in this very weird situation.

Regardless, I have a lot of respect for Mr. B. If Mr. C didn’t come into the picture, I would still be talking to Mr. B as if nothing serious would happen. He later told me that his goal was to pursue friendship first. I absolutely respect that. Most guys who come into my life, don’t value friendship anymore. There are somethings about Mr. B I don’t like hey, nobody is perfect.  This guy rocks!!!  He could be playing me though, who knows?!

“As for life every turn of it has it reasons, and once we are in God’s calendar what was meant to be would always be”-Mr. B
Note to Mr. B:
None of this is relevant.

My Relationship with Mr. A..

Who knew my Mr. A would grow up to be so attractive with the cutest British accent?! He is so great looking now. That accent doesn’t help either.

 Since when we were little, Mr. A had crush on me. I could tell but he didn’t say a thing. Fast forward 19 yrs later, he still remembers my birthday and he finally told me, he had a crush on me when we were little. He was very close with my immediate brother, who is only one year older than me. I remember him as this short guy with a big head lol!!

He did his undergrad in Kenya and his master’s in the UK. He is very well rounded with a great sense of humor. I wish the childhood crush never left. He is a great catch.

Note to Mr. A:
It’s sad we are world’s apart, you have a very special place in my heart.
You remembered my birthday for 19years without even seeing me. My siblings don’t remember my birthday.
You have a great memory or you were indirectly still holding on to me. Who knows?!!
We might be in different continents, I will never forget you forever.


Save Your KIDS!

snapshot (2)Prospective mothers and fathers, see your mate through the eyes of your child(ren).
Proactive parents plan ahead for their child(ren).
Your future children deserve the best mother and father.
Does your mate want kids? What type of mother or father will your mate be to your child(ren)?
What type of mother or father do you want for your kids?
Will your mate be a good mother or father to your child(ren)?
See your mate through the eyes of your children. Would they approve?
The person you choose to have children with will affect your child’s life positively or negatively.
If a man is not taking care of his other kids, why would you choose him to be your child’s father?
Think about the future of your children and choose accordingly.
She has a big booty but can she selflessly take care of a child.
All women are not mothers. Some women have other priorities.
Some women don’t want children same goes for men.

Don’t bring a child into this world to suffer.
Your child deserves the best mother and father.
Think about your decisions and evacuate how they will impact your children’s lives.
Save your kid(s) the heart ache and choose wisely.

Your child deserves the BEST!!!

Four quick steps on how to become a successful Nigerian artist..

  1. Get someone to help you produce a catchy Afro beat. It’s very easy. Watch some Afro beats videos to get inspired. The beat must be upbeat and catchy!!!

    2. Listen to the beats and write some words about a woman backyard or beauty. The words must have some repetitive African words. You can make something up. Nobody will know.. Make you sure you add words like “baby” “Girl” “shake am”

    3. Make up a catchy dance that goes with your beats. It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s just a dance; however, it must be unique.

    4. Get half naked girls with big behinds to dance in your video. This is must if you want to become a very popular Nigerian.

    You are 4 steps away from becoming a popular Nigerian Artist. Your name will be known all over the world.

    What are you waiting for? You are 4 steps away from stardom. You don’t believe me? Check out this video!!

    As you can see anybody can become a popular Artist.

It was YOU!!!

It was YOU…

A friend did something today that proved to me he loved me.
To some people it may seem minute but it meant the WORLD to me.
I thought about what he did and I almost tried.
This guy has been through the highs and the lows with me.
Instead of building you up, I broke you down because I was broken.
You are the friend I have been praying for years.
I don’t deserve friends like you in my life.
I’ve crippled our friendship with my insecurities yet you still stand by me.
You are my biggest fan.
You are the first person I call when someone breaks my heart.
You answer my calls at any time.
I don’t deserve you as friend.
You choose to stand by me with my flaws and all.
I pray I am as good a friend as you have been to me.
We are friend forever and nothing will ever come between us and our friendship.

I love you!!
I promise to love you with your flaws and all..
You are indeed my best friend.

We all need REAL friends! I am blessed to have one!

Is God Real? Austin Answers..

Scientism never gave my life meaning. Being an Atheist led me to attempt suicide. I cursed the name of God and demonized Christians. When I spat at churches and disregarded purpose. I hated people and I hated myself. Christ saved me at the very moment I wanted to die. Christ saved me when I attempted to slit my wrists. Christ saved me by putting me into a specific apartment at a specific time with a specific man of God, Emem Akpanekong, during his specific prayer for God to give him someone who loved the Lord as much as he did. God stopped Emem’s prayer to demand that he talk to me about Christ.

I say all of this to make you understand who I was. Do not give up on someone who hates you for your belief. Do not give up on people who disregard purpose in this life. Do not give up on people who curse God and curse your life. I was that person long ago. But God always saw me as the person I am today. Redeemed by the blood and glorified by the Son.

Written by Austin Lucas

Austin would’ve died and forgotten but he is in Law School.
God is still in the business of changing lives.
He is knocking at the door of your life. Will you let him in?


Military question: Are you a Virgin?

Military womanApparently in Indonesia, women have to pass a virginity test to join the military. According to this article, it is done because they want women who are physically and mentally stable. Some articles say these women have to be virgins for national security reasons. So countries who have non-virgins women in their military are posing a threat to their national security? Wow..

What about your men? Are your men virgins? Your women can be virgins all day, but what about your men? What are the men doing? Don’t they need the same mental stability? In fact, virgin military women are a threat to your national security. Let’s be real, most men desire virgins thus, a military full of virgins is a national security problem. Do you really think your military men can concentrate with a military full of virgin women? Come on now..

It takes a man to deflower a virgin.. Drops mic..

Click to read the full article.

Signs you are dating a boy and not a man..

Man vs. Boy We often think that maturity comes with age, but that’s not always the case. A man can be a boy at any age.

  1. He has children that he is not taking care of: A real man takes care of his children even if it means paying child support. He is grown enough to take on his responsibility. On top of that he tries to be in his children’s lives.
  2. He has 3 or more baby mamas: At some point a man has to realize that too many baby mama is too stressful to keep up. So he commits to one woman.
  3. It’s a beauty contest with a boy: the pretty girl will always win. A man’s attraction goes beyond looks. Looks will get a man’s attention, but character, values will keep his attention.
  4.  A boy has no future goals: He lives with no purpose.
  5. He is financially reckless: he has no savings, but he invests so much money in pimping his ride. He doesn’t understand the importance of budgeting, saving and future planning. He works, but he is constantly asking people for money.
  6.  A boy lives his life to impress others.
  7.  He sags his pants. There’s nothing mature about anyone who sags their pants.
  8.  You find yourself mothering him.
  9. Spends his whole day playing play station.
  10.  He flirts with other women in front of you.You need a MAN and not a boy!! 

More articles to read:

Photo Credit: Google

Take a break from the norm: do something different this Valentine’s Day…

Businesses capitalize on special days to the point that it loses its luster.

"love should spur you with the feeling ike you can conquer the world"

“Your Valentine’s day should be celebrated in a way that reflects your relationship.”-9jagirl4real

Valentine’s day is not about gifts: flowers, jewelry..etc.. Valentine’s day is a day to celebrate your relationship. There’s no universal way of celebrating Valentine’s day. Your relationship is different from other people’s relationship so your Valentine’s day should be celebrated in a way that reflects your relationship.

Here are some 10 new ways you can spice up your Valentine’s day:

1. Love is priceless-Give each other a gift that money can’t buy

2.Be spontaneous by doing something different from your Valentine’s day tradition- if you always go out to eat, go out to a beautiful park in another city and have a picnic. Do something out the norm that will still bring meaning and satisfaction to your relationship.

3. Celebrate Valentine’s day every day 14th day of every month for the whole year or pick another date for your own valentine’s day.

4. Write each other secret love notes and let your partner find them in some unconventional places.

5. For married couples(because I don’t endorse premarital sex): have a quickie in a new spot.

6. If you can afford it: celebrate Valentine’s day in different country(Hint: An African Country).

7. Start a new relationship tradition.

8. Send your children an annoying Valentine’s day selfie.

9. Do something wild, crazy and still legal

10. Prank your kids for your amusement.

5 Types of Africans you will meet in your country:

1. An African who lived in, their home country for a long time and migrated to your home country as adults. These types of Africans are those who have stayed in your country for a long time, but their accent sounds as if they recently migrated to your country. They can lose their accents, but some of them choose not to. These types of Africans are more likely to hold onto their culture and practices. They are very traditional and still stay true African identity.

2. An African who came to your home country at a young age: this African can remember growing up in their home country.   They are a combination of their own country and your home country. They can tell the difference between living in their country and your own country. They have the best of both worlds. They will choose to stay true to their African roots, be fully immerged in your culture or both.

3. Africans who grew up in your home country: this African has never been to their parent’s country. They can only tell you  from what they have been told, heard or read. This African is a born-citizen of your country with an African name.

  1. Africans who just arrived from their home country: when you meet these ones you will know them right away. Give them time, they will get acclimated.
  1. Africans who have lived in your country for a long time and forgot about their African identity.

Next Post: How to communicate effectively with these different types of Africans.