When Jesus Say Yes?-Nigerian vs. American…

The Nigerian Version of when Jesus Say Yes..

I remember growing up to hear this song in Nigeria. This song is part of my childhood memories.

The American Cover of When Jesus Yes by Michelle Williams..

I am very proud of Michelle Williams for Americanizing this song.
I have to be honest; the American version of this song took me off guard.
She made an old Nigerian gospel song sound very modern with a little spice of her flavor.
I also want the original artists of this song to get the credit as well.
We are starting to bridge the cultural gap between Americans and Africans.
Very nice..

Don’t Marry for these Reasons by John Dumelo

Don’t marry for sex.
Don’t marry because you are of age.
Don’t marry because you are getting old.
Don’t marry because you are lonely.
Don’t marry because you need someone to support you financially.
Don’t marry because you mistakenly got pregnant.
Don’t marry because you don’t want to lose the person.
Don’t marry because of family pressures.
Don’t marry because you like the idea of marriage and admire every wedding gown you see.
Don’t marry because all your friends are getting married.
But get married because you are in love.
Get married because he or she is your best friend and when that love is no more, he or she can still make u smile…..?#?somedayiwillgetmarried?

Green Card Marriages: Don’t be a Victim

As a Nigerian blogger, I have avoided posting anything about green cards marriages for various reasons. I was fine with my reasons until someone left this comment.

That is true because I manipulated an American girl to get green card, and after I got her pregnant, I went back to Nigeria that to be with a another girl who turns out to be a gold digger.

When I saw that comment, I got angry as to why this person decided to infect my day with their comment. I am not discouraging anybody from posting comments but this comment carried a lot of weight which I have to address.

Every year men and women become victims to green card marriages in the name of love; however, it doesn’t mean that every foreigner you meet without a green card is after you for a green card. Personally, I think people shouldn’t marry for anything else but love. In the perfect world everyone marries for love. In reality, everybody marries for a lot of reason

There are obviously some things that you should watch out for-check out this amazing website that has some signs you should watch out for. I agree with 95% of the signs that the lady outlined that’s why I am sharing this link with you. This link also has lots of stories from people which I think you can benefit from.

Marriage is very complex and everybody’s case is different. Ladies, two things signs that you should clearly watch out for:

  1. He pushes you into the marriage: he threatens to leave the relationship if you don’t obey his demands. In this situation, he is only thinking about himself and not what’s best for the relationship. If he can’t wait, you have every right to question his intentions.
  2. He purposes before you meet him. If you are an intuitive person, trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem right then you need to take a step back and reevaluate. Let your family members and friends meet him, if something is not right they will tell you. Don’t be so blinded by love that you ignore the truth.

Love yourself enough so you can recognize when someone is trying to take advantage of you. Take your time; don’t let anybody rush you to do anything you don’t want to do. Love is anything but selfish.

Marriage is not a joke especially with children involved. TAKE YOUR TIME!! Time will reveal the true character of a person. If you don’t have the time, let them go.
Wait! There’s hope: check out this story.

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

To God be the Glory!!!!

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 11,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Things you do as a teenager that you will regret when you get older:

  1. Smoking-it might look “cool” to smoke among your peers, but it is setting you up for a lifetime of smoking addiction. Everything you do as a teenager is not always “kool.” One day you will grow up to regret it. Google the consequences of smoking and see what you are exposing yourself to. Smoking increases your chances of various health problems. If you don’t want to listen to me just make sure you have a good health insurance.

    2. Smoking illegal circumstances: again might seem “kool” now that you are young but you can’t find a legit job when you get older. You can be a genius and become a business owner, but when you are hooked on this stuff you will be doing business to support your drug addiction. Smoking illegal substances opens the door to extreme poverty and bad judgment. Your teenage friends don’t know how smoking these illegal substances will affect you for the rest of our life. Don’t believe me: Get ready to fail some drug tests. If you can’t pass your drug test, you wouldn’t be able to get a legit job. Hello, poverty!!

    3. Bullying the nerdy kids-guess what? Nerds are smart. What do we know about smart people? Smart, nerdy people make money. When the nerd you bullied in high school ends up being your boss (you will regret ever bully nerdy kids).   Bully shouldn’t take place in our schools; however, it is happening. We should all take a stand against bullying. You don’t know people’s future. The nerd you bullied could be the next president. If you like it or not, you will always regret bullying that nerd because the nerd will always win!

    4. Joining a gang: only gets you up for time in prison. Are you in a gang? Enjoy your life now as a free kid because you will soon sleep in a room right next to your toilet. Don’t allow your peers to fool you; being in a gang makes you weak. Nothing positive comes from being in a gang. Smell the roses now because you will soon be sitting in a juvenile prison regretting your actions. Nobody is greater than the law.

    5.Dropping out of High school– Yes, you can always go back and get your GED. People still regret the actions that lead them to drop out.

6. Having a baby: you are not financially, psychologically ready for the stress that comes with having a baby. You are a baby having a baby. The responsibility that comes with having a baby is one that you are absolutely not ready for. Your whole life changes when you have a baby. Your baby becomes the center of your world. A lot of teenagers regret having a baby this young.

7. Getting married-As a teenager, you are still growing and learning about the world and love. You will soon find out that the person you are in high school is not the person will you become after college. You are still growing. Give yourself time to grow. Your body is going through changes. Your hormones are raging. Getting married now is only something you will regret later.

Words of Wisdom to Black American Women about American Men..

I am reading this book “Why I love Black women by Michael Dyson” and I will do a book review soon. Love this book.

Here are some wise quotes from this book..

“I think a lot of Sisters are just looking in the wrong places and settling for all the wrong things..money and cars. If they only knew the best man to find is one that truly loves God, because if he does, he can’t help himself but love you.”

“Learn to love yourself which will protect you being vulnerable to men who seek to disrespect, reject, or misuse women”

I am tired of hearing about black men mistreating their women so I will be posting information on this blog to empower women. We need to love ourselves enough to walk out of abusive relationships.

More to come..

Dear Mr. Someone,

I had it all typed out, I was going to disgrace you on my blog then I stopped myself because this is not my battle to fight. I hope you are not who I heard you are. If you are who they said you are I hope you soon learn from your mistakes and straighten up. I couldn’t believe my ears of the things I heard about you. It seems they were telling me something about someone else. If that’s really you, I pray God will fight for the people you have hurt. That is all for that one. If that’s not who you are then I am sorry for all the accusations. I can’t judge you. I leave you over to God for the people you have hurt. I am not hurt but I have learned a valuable lesson (and I can’t wait to share on my blog as soon as I can verify it). I am going to be the bigger person because the bible says you overcome evil with good. God bless you again.

I forgive you!!!

For those who are new to my “Dear Mr. Someone” series. This series are letter I write to real people in my life.

I refuse to be a Victim of my Past..

I had something that happened to me when I was younger. Now I am older, I see the enemy is trying to use my past to influence my future.  This is what I tell God in prayer, I refuse to be a victim of my past. I had no control over what happened to me. I was too young to understand the consequences of what happened. I refuse to be a victim of my past. I dare you today to pray the same prayer today.

Genesis 50:20 says “what the enemy meant for evil. God turned it around for God.” God is still in the turning around business. He can turn anything around for good. We have to make conscious decisions to never be victim of the past. Un-forgiveness, bitterness, or any negative effects the past has on you are not God’s will for your life. The past wins if you allow it to have a negative effect on your future.

Rom 8:37 says “In all these things we are overcomers through him who loves us.” We are already overcomers in Christ Jesus.

Don’t be a victim of your past. Overcome it with good. Let it make you better person. I refuse to be a victim of my past. What about You?

Nigerian Report Card: Nigerian Wedding Dance 2014

Nigerians, its time to report to class for your Nigerian Report Card. 

We start this series off by grading Nigerians Wedding Dance 2014 on Youtube. The categories on how the dances will be graded are: 

1. Creativity (1-10)
2. Music (1-10)
3. Synchronism-everybody dances on one accord (1-10)
4. Video quality (1-10)
5. Originality (1-10)

The highest score for each category is a 10. The highest score a dance can earn is 50 and the lowest score is 1.

Let the Grading Begin.

Yemi and Mayowa Dance 1:

Creativity: 10.. (The dance was very creative) 
Music: 10 (loved it)
Synchronism: 10 (Nobody was off) 
Video Quality: 10.. It wasn’t blurry. 
Originality: 10 (Song and dance was very different. It was very original) 

Grade: A 

Dance 2: Ayoluvmi and Ope 

Creativity: 6 (I have seen some of those moves before) 
Music: 10 (I loved the combination of American and Nigerian music) 
Synchronism: 9 
Video Quality: 10
Originality: 7 (Some moves were not that original. The Nigerian moves with Nigerian songs were very Nice) 

Grade: B 

Gari and Karen’s Dance 3

Creativity: 10 (Dance moves were entertaining to watch)
Music: 10 (Who doesn’t love Kukere?!)
Synchronism: 2 (Some of the bridesmaids were dancing something else. I hope you noticed the short groomsmen in the front killing it). 
Video Quality: 1 (It should be a zero but I am feeling generous because today is my birthday). 
Originality: 10 (Love the creative moves)

Grade: C 

If you disagree with the grades, comment below and give your own grades.