Nigerian girls 101: Advice to guys dating Nigerian girls..

Nigerian guys are to soccer as Nigerian Girls are to______________?

I asked this question on my facebook status and I got all sort of answers. The answers people gave were
Money, Brazilian hair, Fashion, and Instagram. To answer this question, I would say “Money.”

I know I am a Nigerian girl and putting Nigerian girls under the bus will not be good for us, but I have to be honest with you guys.

Yes, I said it.. MONEY!!

Please, excuse my honesty..
Some Nigerian girls are too materialistic.
I didn’t say all Nigerian girls, I said “SOME.”

Some of these girls are so Materialistic to the point it could make someone sick.
Nigerian girls are materialistic due to the way things are in Nigeria (I want to believe)…
I think if things were a little better economically, it wouldn’t be this bad.
Please know that I am not condemning any Nigerian girl.

Advice to Guys dating or who want a Nigerian Girl..

First of all: if you marry a girl who clearly only loves you for your money, it is your fault not hers. If you feel you have to buy a woman’s love with your money, something is seriously wrong with you. Love is priceless. If you can buy love, it is not love.

If you want to marry a Nigerian girl who truly loves you for you then you have to take money out of the equation. Initially, you may want to study her and the friends she hangs out with to know the kind of person she is. Take her to a cheaper restaurant and see her reaction. If she ask you for money for something, say “no” and see her reaction. Let her discover that you have money after you are sure  she is into you for you. You need to be discreet about it too.

If a lady marries you for money, she will leave you when the money is gone. BEWARE!!!

The video below was made for jokes but characterizes Nigerian women very well.

Again not all Nigerian girls are Materialistic but be careful that you don’t make yourself a victim.

Nigerian guys are to soccer as Nigerian Girls are to Money.

Nigerian Men 101: For Non-Nigerian women dating Nigerian Men..

If you’re a non-Nigerian woman dating a Nigerian man, here are some things you need to know about your Nigerian Man.

1. Your Nigerian Man values Education-Most Nigerian men are in foreign countries for education, sports or business. Since you are foreign, you most likely met him in your home country or a country foreign country to him.

2. Your Nigerian Man loves Soccer (fyi: we call it football)- I am yet to find a Nigerian man who doesn’t love soccer. Find out his favorite professional soccer team and support the team. The popular soccer teams are Arsenal, Chelsea, Barcelona and the list goes on.

3. Your Nigerian Man loves his family: if you get to meet his family, he is very serious about you. Nigerian men don’t joke with their families. To meet his family, you definitely want to leave a good impression. If his family approves of you, he will most likely marry you.

4. Your Nigerian Man’s language will tell you about his culture. If he says he is Igbo, Yoruba, Efik etc..etc. You want to read up on his culture. If he was raised in Nigeria, there are some cultural practices that he might still want to uphold. This cultural thing is more important when you meet his family, you don’t want to do anything to insult his parents or family members. Reading or asking him about his culture might be helpful to you down the road.

5. Your Nigerian Man loves his Nigerian food- you will find some Nigerian men here and there who do not like their Nigerian foods but I am yet to find one. If you want him to put a ring on it quicker, learn to cook his ethnic food and see what he will do. Most Nigerian men in foreign countries are learning or already know how to cook their ethnic food but you will impress him more if you learn to cook it or show some an interest.

More to Come… If you have any questions, please comment below or email me at

Most Important Relationship..

The most important relationship:

1. Relationship with yourself
2. Relationship with God
3. Relationship with others.
If you don’t have a good relationship with yourself and God, it will affect your relationship with others.

Marriage Quote..

“The role of the female in a Christian Marriage is to be his helpmate. The role of the man is to find a good wife. In a relationship, if he is not doing anything for God; you have no obligation to help meet it.” -Unplugged

Stop Complaining Black Women: Learn their Tactics

Black Women, women of other races are taking the majority of your men. This is a serious problem for black women who love their black men. Complaining wouldn’t bring them back. Ladies, you need to start figuring out what is going on or you will lose all your men to other women (God forbid!).

Let’s Talk..

To have an edge over your competition, you have to study their tactics; however, there’s one fact you can’t change. You can’t change who black men are attracted to. There are some black men who are only attracted to black women, but there are some who are only attracted to women of other races and others who are attracted to both.  We all have preferences. Everybody has the right to be with whomever they want to be with. No black man should be ridiculed for choosing a woman of another race. Thus, if a black man loves a woman of another race; we have to respect his decision because we can’t change it anyway. Why get mad over something you can’t change in the first place?

Instead of hating on women of other races, you need to start figuring out how to win the competition. So far, you are losing. Big time! If black men have a self hate thing going on that’s their cup of tea to figure out. Black women (especially in the states) have a bad reputation for being loud, obnoxious, and full of drama. So maybe these women are not taking our men. Maybe we are the ones chasing them away..

It’s time to start studying your competition and their tactics to win the game.

Side Note- Black Women, forget the competition, and start considering people outside your race

You have No Excuse.. Go to School!!

ImageI came into this amazing land of opportunity not knowing the amount of obstacles I’d  overcome.
As an international student with no assistance except from God and my family, school was rough.
Every semester, I’d stare at the amount of money I had to pay each semester and I’d just cry.
I didn’t know where the money would come from.
I come from a well to do family but I had other siblings in school as well.
Life was rough.
Somehow, God would provide a way that I was able to pay the first installment for my payment plan for the semester.
After I overcame that hurdle then I stare at the amount I had to spend to buy books.
My parents only worried about the school fees, somehow I was always responsible for my own books.

I’d search my school library first to see if they had the books I needed before I bought them in my college’s bookstore.
I remember finding some books but they were always several editions behind the books required for my classes.
You get the point; I didn’t buy books except I really needed them.

Sometimes, I would befriend people in class just so I could share their book. .
Sometimes, I would wait till I got to the class to listen to the professor before getting the txt book. If a professor was one of those who emphasized on reading the book, then most likely I would buy the book.
I remember going through my microbiology class without a textbook. Most of my science classes, I made sure I had a book because it’s science.

What am I trying to say?

When I graduated high school, I qualified for lots of scholarships and grants but just because I was international, I couldn’t take advantage of any of those grants and scholarships.
Financially, it would have been easier on me if I was an American student.

Most of my American friends don’t know how much I struggled in college to get my degree.
It’s puzzling to see  some American students choose partying over studying.
I couldn’t understand how someone could come to college with lots of scholarship and lose it in the first semester.
I am here struggling to find money to go to school and someone else is there wasting the money given to them for free.

If I was to get student loans, the interest rate alone would have killed me.

Americans schools are built to provide for their own, as it should. It does things to me when American students don’t understand what they have.

I couldn’t file for fafsa, plus I paid out of state. You guys have no excuse.

When I hear an American student complain of not having any money for school, I give them deaf ears because they have lots of assistance left, right and center..